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Births are always timeless…

JJKids was born in the corridors of a hospital…

about us

Births are always timeless…

JJKids was born in the corridors of a hospital…

Lal was about to be born any minute.  We were all waiting in great anticipation.  Çiğdem was going to be an aunt!  I wanted to be close to her to share this special moment. We were literally having a ceremony in the hospital corridors.  There were others families like us waiting for the newcomers to join their families.

There was a young woman sitting next to me in the waiting area who called out to her son “don’t run in the corridors, you’ll fall down.” As she jumped out of her chair she handed me the baby she had in her arms.  I did not know the mother but I knew the baby in my arms; like I knew all the babies on this earth.

I heard the mother’s voice as the baby’s feet were kicking in the air.  “Didn’t I tell you not to run, that you would fall because the floors were slippery…”A baby can be discouraged when hearing their mother telling them not to run. Whereas what else can do they but run?

While thinking of this, the baby in my arms was trying to bounce off my legs as if ready to its first steps.  Çiğdem and I looked at the baby’s feet at the same time and Çiğdem said “we should make small baby moccasins.”  I smiled and said “we should! And we should make them in every color!”

It should keep the baby’s feet warm and protect it from slippery surfaces.  Both mother and child needed to feel secure.Lal was finally about to join us in this world and we were waiting with great anticipation in the hospital corridors.